Opening Day!
Well I finally made it to OPENING DAY or launch day as it is really called! After much struggling to overcome my challenges with the computer... my website has actually come to life! WOW, baking cheesecakes is sooo much easier! I have to give THANKS a plenty to all my friends and family that supported my journey to get to this very day today! Time to get this puppy off the ground now!! So here we go....
Wishing you much success in this exciting endeavor, Cheryl! I can hardly wait to to make my own cheesecakes with your Easy Bath Cheesecake Wrap! What a practical and much-needed tool for bakers and novices like me! I feel that I am learning from the “best of the best!” Even more excited to present your gift box to my dear niece next month at her wedding shower…I just know she’s going to love it! By the way, your spatulas are top quality and the colors are just beautiful. Thank you so much for motivating me to bake delicious and beautiful cheesecakes for my family.